As the founder and designer of Marwood, I am always on the look out for inspiration. It comes in many forms but one of the most predictable is in galleries and exhibitions. Whilst we are lucky to have so many to choose from in London, there is something special about finding a beautiful show somewhere smaller... in an unexpected location in a corner of the country that rewards a visit.
Hestercombe House & Gardens in Somerset, near Taunton has a new architectural show on in their gallery. Housed within the recently renovated stately home with beautiful gardens is this hidden gallery of various rooms with creaky floorboards and worn walls. The detailing in the ceiling and the mix of marble, wood and decoration is a reminder of the history the place may hold, yet this show is exhibiting modern, minimalistic artists from the last century. A beautiful contrast.

Beautiful interiors at Hestercombe House, walking up to the gallery.

Ayamonte by Andreas Gursky (Chromogenic print, 1997)
The ‘Design for Life: Art and Architecture - Part 1’ show 'visually explores the historical intersection of art and architecture together with the interactions of artists and architects from the past 65 years. All eight spaces of Hestercombe Gallery bring together artworks by over twenty international artists and architects, beginning with a late work by Le Corbusier, one of the pioneers of modern architecture. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, models, photographs, film and plans are all represented. The modern and contemporary works are complemented by original eighteenth and nineteenth century watercolours and plans from Hestercombe’s own collections.'

Chandigarh: the "Open Hand" maquette by Le Corbusier (plaster, 1956).

Design for Open Hand Monument by Le Corbusier (Brown ink, pencil and green and yellow crayon on tracing paper, 1954).

Art for Modern Architecture Herald Tribune (Homage to Ellsworth Kelly) by Marine Hugonnier (2005).

Gallery room with a view

Exotic Lands by Liu Wei (Doors, wood. 2012)

Corridor Store Front by Christo (Collage drawing, 1966-7)

Pedworth Estate, Dobson Estate, Pelican Estate and Newport Estate by Keith Coventry. (Oil on canvas. 1998, 1995, 1997, 1992).

Objects on the Beach by Leonhard Lapin. (Ink and gouache on paper, 1973).

Untitled by Bridget Riley. (Screenprint on plexiglass, 1965).

by Toni Davey. (Ink on dry mounted graph paper, 2021).